Retire Smart

Founder and President David Brooks and his co-hosts cut through the jargon and misconceptions surrounding retirement to give you the facts you need to help achieve your ideal retirement. During the show, you get up-to-date on economic trends that could affect your retirement income strategy, options for optimizing your assets, key missteps to avoid, effective ways to help you prepare for retirement and more. Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed or confused by all the information out there. If you’re in or nearing retirement, tune into Retire SMART Omaha Saturdays.
Investment advisory services offered through SMART Wealth, LLC, a federally registered investment adviser and affiliate of Retire SMART. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The Firm and its representatives may not provide tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified professional for guidance prior to making any investment decisions. Insurance services offered through Retire SMART.